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Nostalgia time! Below are some pictures taken during our first year, between September 1992 and July 1993.
Added 25th October 2005

Several changes to the college building have been made in the years since we graduated. Some directional signs have been placed in the college grounds and the college name has been fret-cut in steel and placed on the fascia above the main entrance. The original college nameplate recessed in the perimeter wall next to the main gates on Walden Road has been replaced by a new larger sign (not recessed), the increase in size - one assumes - is to accommodate the new linear logotype. The Main entrance doors open automatically. The college roof plays host to several telecommunications masts, a large grey box (use unknown) is sited on the roof of the student union bar. Air-conditioning units and CCTV cameras and associated signs have been installed on the roof and outside walls of the college. Internally, the exhibition hall has been converted into offices, due to the increase in student numbers and the demise of the hall, the annual convocation ceremony now takes place at a venue in Croydon. In 1999 the Central Photographic Unit and Technical Illustration studios were converted into a Learning Resource Centre (library) - see article Bright Ideas. The School of Graphic Design block now houses all foundation courses. The graphics studio relocated to the former library. Generally the college building is looking tired, the black intumescent paint on the steelwork is peeling off in many places and the brick infill is also showing signs of age. The rear of the former graphics block has suffered badly with foundation students using the external walls as a spray paint backdrop. The planned relocation of the college to Greenwich suggests that the Chistlehurst building is being rundown before its planned demolition. The student housing on the Chistlehurst campus (Frewing Close, namesake Nick Frewing a previous director of the college) was opened in April 1995 this was paid for by the sale of the land on which stood Kent Halls of Residence in Wanstead Road, Bromley. The housing estate that was subsequently built in Wanstead Road is ironically called Greenfield Drive! You can find more about the college relocation plans to Greenwich and the planned change of use of the Chistlehurst site in the links section. Do you think the 'Bromley Bauhaus' is a building worth saving? It may be too late, however The Twentieth Century Society is an organisation that exists to safeguard the heritage of architecture and design in Britain from 1914 onwards.
Added 4th November 2005